Prácticas Pre-profesionales

Las Carreras de la Facultad de Educación Ciencia y Tecnología, cada semestre planifica las practicas pre profesionales para los estudiantes, con la finalidad de aplicar los conocimientos, habilidades y aptitudes adquiridas en un entorno real de trabajo, mismas que se las puede realizar en empresas publicas y privadas, debiendo cumplir con las horas requeridas y establecidas en la malla curricular, ya que es un requisito fundamental para que puedan obtener el título de grado.


  • In the English major is essential that students carry out their professional practices in all curricular units from first to ninth level. Through integrative subjects which promote the knowledge and performance of undergraduates in the possible work scenarios to help identify the problems in the context and their solution.
  • The scenarios to carry out the practices at the different levels should be in all contexts of the city and province. This allows students to analyze, compare, reflect, research, and intervene in marginal, rural areas and public institutions.
  • The aim of the practices of the Bachelor in Teaching English is interdisciplinary and sequenced, which allows students to diagnose, research and intervene in real scenarios; complementing theory with practice and acquiring the necessary skills for their future job performance.